icon of a sprouted sapling

To Catch Time, Worship the Day

The day is the amount of time we’re best equipped to grasp (biologically, regularity, etc.)

The day is also a consistent, regular reset. You sleep. You wake up and it's a new day. Your mood might be better, might be worse, you may have gotten a good night's sleep or bad, you may be feeling physically energized or not.

You have a typical day though, and a typical range of days (unfocused days, bad days, anxiety days, stress days, good days, happy days, great days)

Snap your head out of cheap future thinking. All you have awaiting you is a series of typical todays just like today. Today is all you get.

So how do you do things? You want things, that's the easy part. [How do you do the things you want] (you think you want). The key ingredient is time. Put time into something, and you will see results.

For best results, think in days. Build [systems] at the day-level. Each day is a blank slate.

*tk do TCT, WTD and TIAYG both need to exist? are they different enough to merit separate notes? hmm... *