State of the Garden
This note keeps track of what the Garden is like right now. Last updated November 14, 2022. WIP.
The Garden is in great shape! It's fully functional and seamlessly integrated to my existing Obsidian notes via a Python script I wrote to process it for willsite. I've been writing more and more notes (having a place to put them publicly is super motivating)
Major to-dos:
Create /garden home page (welcome to my garden, explain DG idea, give starting point of index or a few pages)Backlinks- Styling!
remove navigation sidebar from the garden* fix note formatting (tweak margins and padding, bullets, etc.)
- Note format / structure
status -- how developed, seed/sprout/tree(IN PROGRESS)- epistemic confidence?
optional note purpose? (italic top line i guess)- visually delineate that notes are in the garden (change background cover? add /GARDEN header somewhere? want a visual distinction from blog )
- Minor enhancements
- Remove trailing slashes (willsite in general)
Check for internal links to private notes and remove- Check for links to files that don't exist and remove?