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Figure out how to regulate your brain

"Figuring out how to regulate your brain" (your bodymind) is a central part of life.

This is a process of recognizing patterns, creating systems, and trying new things.

Recognizing patterns is the foundation, because lessons are all around you in your experience. Actions and decisions have consequences. At its simplest: some things make you feel good, some things make you feel bad. Keep an eye out for insights in your daily life, and capture them for later.

Creating systems is the process of designing your life for your own benefit. Set your life up so that the outcomes you want happen naturally. By building habits, you make desired behaviors automatic & cost less energy. Setting rules reduces decision fatigue.

Trying new things is important, because you don't know what you don't know until you learn it for the first time. You never know when a new activity or a new way of relating to your self may unlock something within you or prove to be powerfully beneficial.

Important components of brain regulation include: sleep, nutrition & hydration, exercise, social interaction, information diet, attention management, and expectation management.