tk kind of out of date/misorganized
Be with the music first.
- Breathe, breathe, breathe
Look up
Bend knees a little more; sink a little lower
Slow down - don't lose control of your movement
Let chest lead arms
Stay light on your feet & your weight centered
Mirror is most helpful for freestyle dancing when it's across the room. Too close and it's distracting. Takes mind out of dance awareness.
- Fasts and Slows, Highs and Lows
- Tension & Release
Hold full body awareness, forward and to the tips of your fingers and toes
Perform, tell a story
PTF: Pictures, Timing, Feeling
Find the feeling and emotion, don't dance at the music but with the music, let it move you
There's no room to criticize yourself when you're in the zone--choose to feel like every movement is beautiful (Kenny Werner)
Bad Dance Habits:
- Disconnected upper and lower body, "arm dancing"
- Lazy eyes, looking down (instead keep steady eye contact in bursts, look at people)
See: The inner game, Hip Hop Dance History, Hip-hop dance moves, House dance moves, Popping